This site wants to give you the oppertunity to buy or download for free, scores from composers very well known or long forgotten, or even never heard of. The idea is to build a library of thousands, mainly pianoscores and books about piano and composers.
Of course you will find also other disciplines, like songs, violin, cello, and so on. Some scores are very rare! You can find your way easily by selecting Composer or Genre and find pieces especially composed for children, etudes, Quatre mains, left hand only, and so on.
Ultimate Scores is expanding from day to day and offers you a great variety of scores with a small accent on - for the average pianist -unknown composers. The fact that they are unknow doesn't mean that their music has nothing to say. They just were overshadowed by some "greater" or more popular composers. Every composer dedicated his/her life to the music of their time, trying to distill the soul of their respective time and express these feelings in music.
In my perception every composer deserves it to be played, sung or heard!
Feel free to visit this site regularly. There will be uploads on a regular basis.